Напишите текст (100-120) слов на тему: телевизер хорошо или плохо. соформлением и аргументами.на .

leracert1 leracert1    2   15.06.2019 05:20    2

slavinka17 slavinka17  12.07.2020 13:24
Some peolpe watch TV very much. I don't think that it is rather good, because you can spoil your eye site. It's better to read books or to draw, rather than seat and watch TV  for the hole day. If you watch television for a long time, after you can have a bad headache. Television is not good for our organism. Those people who watch TV very much, are like zombies. I think that you should watch television no more than four hours a day. Instead of watching television, you can do sport, paint, play active games and etc. Stop watching TV! Let's enjoy the life!
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