Напишите, , сочинение по пословице(любой, желательно ). буду премного

genyaryabinina genyaryabinina    3   07.08.2019 02:40    0

livanatalya livanatalya  04.10.2020 02:11
"Be not swift to promise, but rather on execution" - this proverb is explained by the fact that you can not give empty promises, and if given, you have to keep. Not important to give a lot of promises, most importantly to implement them. I often was a victim of its language. Often promised mom that I would do lessons and go to bed at eleven, but played at the computer, looking at his watch, realized that it's twelve. That's how I broke my promises. Sometimes with classmates notebook - rewrite the lesson after illness and promised to bring the book the next day – often forgot to fulfill the promise, thus summed comrade. Like not even a promise, but I hoped, and I failed him. It is very important to fulfill their promises. Do not throw words to the wind, if you make a promise, it is very important to implement it
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