Напишите сочинение на тему: success is getting what you want. happiness is wanting what you get.что в переводе означает : успех-это получение того, чего вы хотите. счастье-это чтобы хотеть то, что вы получаете. на языке!

rufdiana rufdiana    2   23.05.2019 00:10    3

Politik2000 Politik2000  18.06.2020 15:37
Each person has an understanding of the happiness the most diverse. Also, depending on the age concept agree changes.Children find happiness that their parents indulge, buy a variety of things that they just would have liked. Understand them, and always listen.Teens want to assert themselves, they want to be needed in this world and it is for them is happiness.And, behold, the adults, such as women who believe happiness - it's well-being and comfort in the house. Children's health. when the number of the second half - the husband.The men believe happiness favorite job, a stable income and true friends nearby who can help in time of need and lend a helping hand. When in life he favors success and luck.Happiness - a feeling and a state of complete, high satisfaction.From all of the above listed, we can conclude that a man can not be happy being odinnokim.  It is happiness and success.
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