Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах: образец: they will arrive at three o’clock. will they arrive at three o’clock? they won’t arrive at three o’clock. 1) they will return in october. 2) these exercises will be easy for you. 3) he will be able to meet us later. 4) our drama society will present a new play this year. 5) the lesson will be over at twelve o’clock. 6) there will be three new students in the class. 7) she will leave a message on the table for him. 8) they will write to us on wednesday.

Sergeeva1703 Sergeeva1703    2   02.10.2019 19:30    6

m48gq m48gq  09.10.2020 12:22
1) Will they retunr in October?
They won't return in October.
2)Will these excercies be easy for you?
These excercies won't be easy for you.
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