Напишите рассуждение на тему какую тевилизионую программу вы смотрите и почему. ​

MEGRAD MEGRAD    2   12.01.2020 22:04    0

Віка579 Віка579  11.10.2020 00:26

Например стс это телевизионноя программа она очень увликательноя иногда поучительноя и интересноя



angel0000l angel0000l  11.10.2020 00:26

A TV program


To be honest, I do not remember the last time I watched TV. First of all, I do not have any time to do it. Secondly, TV content is not attractive to me. I consider it stupid and a waste of my time. Sometimes I can join my parents to watch news only if those are about extremely important events and not politics.  

Maybe 6 or 7 months ago, I spent an hour in front of the TV set. I just switched from one channel to another, and what I found out is propaganda is everywhere. Advertisement developers think that consumers are all stupid people with no critical thinking ability. I was laughing during the whole hour and still switched off the TV set, so it does not disturb me from doing really important staff.

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