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Ангелина0611 Ангелина0611    2   12.06.2019 23:30    1

alexgettx alexgettx  10.07.2020 09:25
     Atbasar новичок ответил 06.02.2013 Owl -a bird, a very clever and profound birds. birds of prey, owls, usually they live by one, being birds of prey, they hunt other smaller birds, insects and small animals. owls - the hunters - they are evening suschestva. eli you ever meet a owl, you will never confuse it with another bird, the owl, is that distinctive features. Well first of all has big eyes and ears, interesting beak, a flat face, claws, fluffy feathers, and of course the feathers around the eyes. in addition owls produce very funny sounds, each species produces its own sound.
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