Самое популярное русское блюдо суп. Русский национальный суп- Щи. Так же есть грибные супы. В России принято солить. сушить и мариновать грибы. Квас - русский национальный напиток. Он делается из черного хлеба. Вместо сока принято пить компоты. Они сварены из ягод и фруктов
The most popular Russian soup dish. Russian national soup. There are also mushroom soups. In Russia it is accepted to salt. To dry and pickle mushrooms. Kvass is Russian national drink. It is made of black bread. Instead of juice, it is customary to drink compotes. They are cooked from berries and fruits
The most popular Russian soup dish. Russian national soup. There are also mushroom soups. In Russia it is accepted to salt. To dry and pickle mushrooms. Kvass is Russian national drink. It is made of black bread. Instead of juice, it is customary to drink compotes. They are cooked from berries and fruits