Напишите предложения в отрицательной форме: 1. he will be studying at moscow state university at this time next year. 2. the audience enjoyed the lecture very much. 3. a student has been doing this exercise since 2 о’clock. 4. every year they take their two children to france. 5. she is very happy now.

dhdhhd55 dhdhhd55    1   30.06.2019 22:30    1

mrzus mrzus  24.07.2020 12:11
1. He won't be studying at Moscow State University this time next year. 2. The audience didn't enjoy the lecture very much (или at all). 3. A student hasn't been doing this exercise since 2 o'clock. 4. They don't take their two children to France every year. 5. She isn't very happy now (she isn't happy at all now).
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