Напишите предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Ann asked Kate “How many children are there in your class?”
2. “Are you interested in acting?" asked Ann.
3. The secretary said, “The boss has just come”.
4. He said, “Don’t lie to me!”
5. She said, “I’m looking for a better job”.
6. My friend said, “I'll stay at home tomorrow.”
7. He asked, “Where do you come from?”

Ryslan090 Ryslan090    1   10.05.2020 15:22    3

фелекс54 фелекс54  14.10.2020 12:36


1. Ann asked Kate how many children there were in her class

2. Ann asked if I (или другое местоимение) was interested in acting

3. The secretary said that the boss had just come

4. He said not to lie to him

5. She said that she was looking for a better job

6. My firend said that he would stay home the next day

7. He asked where I came from

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