Напишите по теме землятрисение на . главный персонаж пени и она учится и в школе произошло это

anyadorr anyadorr    3   30.09.2019 16:01    1

avicena1111 avicena1111  27.08.2020 10:25
Penny was at school when an earthquake happened. It was so strong that lots of things began to move. The floor trembled. Flowers in pots began to fall down from bookcases, but the teacher caught them. The chalk fell down from the table. All pens, pencils rolled down on the floor. All her classmates were shocked. But the teacher made them leave the building. They got out of it. Nobody suffered. Teacher called their parents, and they were sent home. At school there was a mess. So, all pupils had 2 days off.
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