Напишите по-: 1.я родилась 20 декабря 1990г. 2.моя мама родилась 1 января 1950 года. 3.моя сестра студентка - 1-го курса. 4.моему брату 42 года. он рабочий. 5.моим родителям 50 лет. они учителя. 6.наша учительница по молодая. ей 25 лет.
1.I was born on 20 December 1990. 2.My mother was born January 1, 1950. 3.My sister is a student of the 1st course. 4.My brother is 42 years old. He is a worker. 5.My parents 50 years. They are the teachers. 6.Our English teacher is young. She was 25 years old.
2.My mother was born January 1, 1950.
3.My sister is a student of the 1st course.
4.My brother is 42 years old. He is a worker.
5.My parents 50 years. They are the teachers.
6.Our English teacher is young. She was 25 years old.