Напишите письмо, на тему о том как вам удалось разрешить конфликт.(на )

sashkaveber sashkaveber    3   19.09.2019 13:20    0

LAxPiet LAxPiet  08.10.2020 02:20
I would like to tell you how I would resolve this conflict.From my point of view, in any situation that's always better to talk to each other even if you don't feel like speaking.However, your friend is wrong asking for copying you homework permanently.First of all, you should explain him what consequences he will face in case he keeps on cheating. Tell him, that it will lead to serious problems with his comprehension of the subject and may cause a quarrel with the teacher if he finds out the truth.Secondly, suggest him your help. Spend an evening finding out what he doesn't understand, his weak points or what makes him cheat.Thirdly, try doing your homework together so that he could ask you things that are difficult for him.Finally, I'm sure that he'll agree with you and you'll still be great friends, helping each other in trouble.Looking forward for you story about solving your conflict.
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