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jordi francisco. the world-famous prize-winning spanish
chef, has been cooking healthy food in his restaurant for
over ten years. here he takes us thro ugh some of his top
tips for healthy eating.
s 'healthy eating really starts with healthy cooking. it's not
only about what you eat, but how you cook it. a burger can
be incredibly unhealthy if it's made from low quality meat.
deep-fried in cheap oil and served in processed white
bread. however. if you make a burger from premium beef,
10 brush it with a small amount of good-quality oil, grill it and
serve it with a generous portion of salad and wholemeal
bread. you've transformed it into a nourishing and well·
balanced mea l.
light steaming is perhaps one of the healthiest cooking
15 methods to use. i've always liked cooking vegetables this
way, in a basket over simmering water, as all the flavours
and nutrients are retained - all you have to do is add
seasoning and you're done. easy, quick, delicious and
20 a~other healthy cooking method i've used a lot is stirfrying.
it's no coincidence that in asian countries. where
this is the most common form of cooking, the re are very
low rates of heart disease. you only need a splash ofoit to
stir-fry and you cook things for a very short t ime, so your
25 meat or vegetables retain their nutrients, as well as texture,
flavour and colour.
grilling can also be great for preparing low-fat meals. in my
opinion. it adds a delicious smoky flavour to meat, fish or
vegetables. the fat drips away from the food as it cooks.
30 perhaps the most under·rated healthy cooking method is
poaching: gently simmering food in water until it is cooked throu gh. lust thinking about a lightly poached egg on
toast makes my mouth water! fish works fan tastically wet!
35 poached. you have to be careful with fish. as it's so easy
to overcook it and make it go dry and flavourless. with
poaching, however. you can cook it very gently and keep it
moist and full of flavour.'

alekskholod01 alekskholod01    2   07.08.2019 19:04    0

ыфыфыф553 ыфыфыф553  04.10.2020 03:30

Jordi Francisco is the world-famous Spanish chef who has been cooking healthy food for ten years in the restaurant. He gives some tips about cooking which help to keep the food healthy and nutritious.

Jordi is sure that it all depends on cooking. Even a burger can be healthy food if you use high-quality ingredients and serve it properly.

As the healthiest cooking method Jordi chooses light steaming. For him it is easy and quick way to make a delicious meal.

He also mentions stirfrying which is common form of cookoing in Asian countries. Advantage of this method is that all the food retains its nutrients, texture, flavour and colour.

Besides, he adds that grilling is a good way to prepare low-fat meals.

At the end Jordy tells about poaching which is a very underrated method in his opinion. However, poaching is the best way to cook fish because it is easy to keep it moist and full of flavour.

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