A life-size doll is a type of animated costume that houses an animator inside. The main task of the fairy-tale character is to maintain a good mood among those present.
Вариант ответа 2:
These dolls are used on holiday parties. All children love cartoons and fairy tales. A revived character who came to congratulate a child on his birthday will certainly leave an unforgettable memory in the little soul. Therefore, animators often use growth dolls in children's holidays.
Вариант ответа 1:
A life-size doll is a type of animated costume that houses an animator inside. The main task of the fairy-tale character is to maintain a good mood among those present.
Вариант ответа 2:
These dolls are used on holiday parties. All children love cartoons and fairy tales. A revived character who came to congratulate a child on his birthday will certainly leave an unforgettable memory in the little soul. Therefore, animators often use growth dolls in children's holidays.