напишите наподобие этого но про другой фильм, например властелин колец или что-то такое. <3

напишите наподобие этого но про другой фильм, например властелин колец или что-то такое. <3

236784 236784    3   14.09.2021 11:06    0

alexandrsub67p08sqm alexandrsub67p08sqm  14.09.2021 11:10

The Lord of Rings is a series of three epic fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson based on the Novel written by J.R.R.Tolkien

Set in the fictional world of middle-earth the films follow the Hobbit Frodo Baggins as he and the fellowship embark on a quest to destroy the one ring to ensure the destruction of its matter the dark lord sauron . the fellowship eventually splits up and Frodo continues the guest with his loyal companion Sam and the treacherous Gollum. meanwhile Argorn heir in exile to the throne of Gondor along with Legolas Gimli Boromir Merry Pippin and the wizard Gandalf unite to rally the free peoples of middle earth in the war of the ring to aid Frodo by distracting Sauron's attention


Властелин колец :)

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