Напишите монолог про питание,ну то что ем каждый день и что не ем. про напитки и т.д

Jora2001Voronov Jora2001Voronov    2   21.07.2019 11:00    1

эльвинчик2 эльвинчик2  23.09.2020 08:30
I can eat hot meals and cold meals.
When I am hungry I usually eat soup.
I have 3or 4 vtals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
I usually have breakfast at 7 o clock.
for breakfast I like to eat a cup of tea and sandwiches.
For lunch I have a glass of juice and spagetti.
Dinner is the largest meal of the day.

I have dinner at 3 o clock.
For dinner I like to eat soup and drink tea.
I have supper at 6 o clock when all the family is at home.
I mustnt eat many sweets or much candy.
Every day I must eat a lot of vegetables(carrots,tomatoes).
I like eat a lot of fruit(apples, bananas,oranges,plums).
My Mum and I go to the market every week.
We buy a lot of thinks.
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