Напишите мне сочинение на тему: is uniform cool for school? в первом абзаце должно быть обозначение проблемы( краткое) во втором: аргументы (за) в третьем: аргументы (против) в четвёртом: заключительная часть ( высказывание своего мнения тоже кратко)

a24027679 a24027679    2   08.06.2019 22:30    2

Nekomimi11 Nekomimi11  07.07.2020 22:20
People think that school uniform  remove social differences between children and increase the motivation of students to learn. Is it true? Many schools introduse school uniform. Is it good or bad?
There are some advantages of school uniform. Form- a mean to maintain discipline, It aiffect on study.
Bur there are disadvantages of school uniform. It is very hard to be the same when you wear school uniform.
As for me, I think that school uniform destroys our individuality, it affect our feelings and we are not ourselves whan we wear a school uniform. It supress and destroys our self-conscience and does not allow to show our independence.
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