напишите мини эссе, на тему Иммиграция, надо занять позицию либо за, либо против (на ваш выбор),

senab senab    1   27.02.2020 22:09    0

Yyyyyyyyy1 Yyyyyyyyy1  11.10.2020 15:00

The government of every country desires to have a stable economy in the state. Legal or not, immigrants change the state of the economy. In the context of the United States, the situations may be controversial. Since the ‘American Dream’ phenomenon, many people might perceive the United States as the country, where the better life can be achieved way too easy.  Due to this fact, many people immigrate to America without presenting any actual advantages to the country, which may be a big problem for it. Due to immigration being a phenomenon that has many sides to it, only the negative side is usually being discussed. However, over the course of history, it has been shown that the assumptions that people usually make are false. Immigration involves different social classes. Despite this topic being controversial, there are always people, who have shown that their being in the United States has an advantage for both parties. Therefore, America had to introduce rules in order to make the experience for the people, who intend to create a business in the United States, easier.


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