Напишите,кто-нибудь, надо, буду ! я уже 40 раз это посылаю, напишите кто-нибудь! кто, что сможет! comparatives and superlatives. put the adjective in brackets into the comparative or supelative form. use the in front of the adjective if necessary. и перевести! 1 mars and venus ) to have life than earth. 2. the results of experiments with an aids treatment ) than exected. 3. this wondeful sun-powerd engine ) of all that have been designed so far 4. peter ) of the two brothers. 5. emotional intelligence is ) term in modern psychology. put much, more or less in the gaps. 1.modelds have diet than other people. 2 clothes are not always better quality. 3 vcrs are than dvd players. 4 the cost of living in europe than in africa. 5 driving to learn than riding a bike. 6 we're looking for person for this job. 7 in the past people in protecting the environment.

хорошийпарень2 хорошийпарень2    2   17.05.2019 09:50    1

Sveta11111111Love Sveta11111111Love  10.06.2020 15:09

1. more likely

2. worse

3.The most promising

4. The brightest

5. The trendiest

1. Less

2. More

3. Much 

4. Much

5. More


7.Much More

Все правильно 100%)Переведи сама а то в падлу)

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