Напишите краткое электронное письмо своему другу о том чем ты занемался на выходных (на ) с i did

MissVika2007 MissVika2007    1   09.04.2019 21:31    3

sielink sielink  29.05.2020 03:47

Hi Debbie/Jack,

How you doing? I hope great

So,last weekend I went out with my friend.We all met at a café,we spent great time there.We were talking about lot of stuff while we were waiting for our meal,but mainly we talked about football. And the food was delicious,especially fish and chips.But one of my mates couldn't agree with the lobster,after all he ordered an ordinary pizza.At the end we had a great chat.But David was pecking a sad,because of his lobster.Gradually I got home at about 10:00,I was so tired and exhausted,but I have no regrets.

Well,see you at work on Tuesday

Sincerely yours (name)

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