напишите как читать по по-английски русскими буквами​ FAR-EASTERN SHIPYARD "ZVEZDA The Far-Eastern plant "Zvezda" is a state enterprise with the main profile of work shipbuilding and ship repairing. The plant is situated on the bank ol Bolshoy Kamen bay, Ussuriysky gulf. Shipping routs connect it with the ports of Asian Pacific region. Goog connection with the Trans-Siberian Railway and motor way Nakhodka -Vladivostok allow using all these kinds of transport to carry different cargo. Airport of Vladivostok situated not far can offer services on airtransportations. "Zvezda" has fifty year history of shipbuilding and ship repairing. 12.03.1954 - date of the shipvard foundation. It was intended for the repairing and re-equipment of the Navy's shipst The ship has an experience of repair of ships of different types and purpose. Since 1956 repair of different types ol ships has been begun: cutters, tugs, trapping schooners, trawlers, scientific- research; ships, oil-tankers, and the Navy's auxiliary fleet.,Since 1962 the plant has been speciali zing on the repairing and re-equipmernt of ships and submarines. builds heavy metal anchorage moorage for these ship basing., At present the plant carries out the complex utilization of submarines with nuclear power installation. Under conversion condition shipyard develops a capacity on expansion of the base of civil ships repairing. Availability of equipped berth-lines, ship- raising facilities (floating dock with large lifting capacity, launching dock) and próduction facilities give wide opportunities to repair ships of different displacement and time of repairlndustrial capacities of hull-processing and welding productions, availability of skilled staffs allow carrying out the manufacture of different metal construction.I High-developed and well- equipped machine-building and tool-making facilities and free production facilities allow producing of metal-made and plastic articles and other types of consumer goods. Shipyard's facilities allow building series of ships with the displacement up to 8000 tons. at Shipyard berths are widely used for cargo-processing. "Zvezda" has unique scrap-metal and electric cable processing equipment. We accumulate an experience of business cooperation foreign firms. Joint Ventures with foreign capital were created at the shipyard (Russian-American JV "Stella" on processing of metal scrap and Russian-Singaporcan JV "Zvezda OIL" in trans-shipment of oil products J.​

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