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bogdanpavlovi bogdanpavlovi    2   20.03.2021 22:48    0

yoongiswag yoongiswag  19.04.2021 22:48

The fact that wild animals still exist in limited conditions for the amusement of the human race is an issue that is widely discussed in environmental circles. Let's try to figure it out.

Simplification of research. There are many gadgets that allow scientists to track wild animals in their habitats, but installing them requires a lot of financial and physical costs. In addition, if the camera installed in the jungle allows it to be replaced, which means even more scrapping costs ... in other words, placing an animal in a zoo is "not far away" and conducting research on site, while not causing discomfort to the animals. This moves biology forward, and sometimes - to preserve individual representatives of the animal world.

Caring for the endangered best. Not every animal brought to the zoo was poached - more often than not, the opposite happens. This is especially true for those animal species, the population of which in nature is limited for one reason or another. Placing them in a zoo allows scientists to solidify the state of the species.

Security. In addition to a 100% chance to continue their genus, the conditions created for this, animals kept in zoos have another decent advantage: they are protected from natural selection. Zoo employees do not care, for example, if one lion cub from the litter is weaker than the other one could not get himself to feed himself in the wild - all the lion cubs will be taken care of by all means. The same will happen if, for example, an animal gets sick - they will definitely go out and rescue it, which will not happen in the wild. Finally, herbivores living in zoos may not be afraid of attack by a predator, since they will be separated by several enclosures.

Visibility. Although the opportunity to gaze at the trapped animals can sometimes be provided through access to an educational excursion. This is especially important for schoolchildren when they can personally see the animals that just looked at them from the pages of biology textbooks.

Space limitation. Of course, after the wild, the cramped aviary reveals the prison, not to mention the conditions of detention. There is a difference between endless jungle and fields where you can walk forever, looking for tasty grass or flocks of unsuspecting antelopes, and a small room in which you have the food you need without having to look for it. In addition, the difference in climates may affect: an animal of the far north, for example, a polar bear, will feel disgusting even in a zoo of a temperate climate.

Constant human attention. Unfortunately, few zoo visitors are familiar with the animal culture, warning signs only on rare occasions. For example, many people think that ducks can be fed with bread slices, although this is not true. The lack of staff at the zoo leads to serious health problems.

Cruel treatment. That only those who love nature and allow themselves to work poorly with animals work in the zoo. Alas, love for animals is a loose concept, and so far no one has been able to cure elementary human cruelty, shortsightedness, and negligence. Animals that lack attention and care can die, which would not have happened in the wild.

"Domestication" of animals. An animal born and raised in captivity can never become a full-fledged inhabitant of the wild. This is a drawback, cases in which an animal needs to be taken out are very rare. When one representative is wild, the second is from the zoo, mating may not take place due to the in attractiveness of one of the partners and the inability to survive in the wild.

Lack of natural environment. No matter how hard the zoos try to provide their animals with comfortable conditions. There may be several individuals behind the house in a modest nook - and although they are cared for, regularly fed and checked for their health, they actually live in captivity. Therefore, many activists say that zoos do not improve the quality of life of animals or save endangered species.

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