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ura784512 ura784512    2   26.07.2019 23:30    0

katasmajl katasmajl  25.09.2020 07:27
-Helllo.-Hello.-I am hungry, let's go to cafe.-Okay.-What do you want?-I would like a soup, porridge with meat and a cup of tea, and you?-I would like a borsch, porridge with cutlet, and a coffee cup.-Okay. The order will be soon.
-Привет.-Привет.-Я проголодался,давай сходим в кафе.-Давай.-Что бы ты хотел?-Я бы хотел суп, кашу с мясом и чашку чая. А ты?-Я бы хотел борщ, кашу с котлетой и чашечку кофе.-Хорошо. Заказ будет скоро готов.
adidok199680 adidok199680  25.09.2020 07:27
- Hi, - Hi, -I bored, let's cook something? - I do not mind that we prepare? - Let's try to bake a cake with strawberries? - I'm just glad that we need for this? - S, strawberries, sugar, flour, eggs, and so on ... - Ok, let's go cook! - Let's go to!
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