Напишите, что вы это уже сделали. will you help boris, pleas? -- but him wash your hands! -- but hands. will you open the box,please? -- but . will you translate the text,please? -- but . will you count the money,plaese? -- but . will you clean your room,plaese? -- but will you lock the doors,plaese? -- but . play this game! -- but game will you cook dinner,plaese? -- but . will you visit tom,plaese? -- but . надо сегодня

kokgggg kokgggg    3   30.05.2019 04:10    12

REDFRAG REDFRAG  29.06.2020 21:17
I have already helped.
I have washed
I have already opened
I have counted
I have locked
I hqve played
I have cooked
I have visited
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