Напишите 5 вопросов разных типов к тексту. born in 1743, thomas jefferson helped shape the new american nation and also shaped some of the country's most famous buildings. the twentieth century architects who designed the circular jefferson memorial in washington d.c. drew inspiration from thomas jefferson's architectural ideas. and from where did jefferson get his ideas? the pantheon in rome! this building with its classical portico became a model that influenced western architecture for 2,000 years.

Enot3106 Enot3106    3   31.07.2019 04:30    3

0m1ib6c 0m1ib6c  28.09.2020 11:53
1Who helped shape the new America nation?
2Was Thomas Jefferson born in 1743 or 1843?
3Did he help to shape any of country's
most famous buildings or bridges?
4Whose ideas did architects who designed the circular Jefferson Memorial draw from?
5The Pantheon became a model that influenced Western architecture for 2000 years,didn't it?
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