Напиши предложения по картинке в present continuous. (is/are + глагол ing) пример: the wolf / run / dance the wolf isn't running, it's dancing! 1. the man / run / dance with the wolf. 2. the orang-utans / eat bananas / eat ice creams. 3. the owl / fly / read a book. 4. the crocodile / swim / clean
its teeth. 5. the frogs / jump / sing. 6. the tiger / sleep / play the piano. 7. the rhinos / eat grass / watch tv.

Осень25 Осень25    3   07.10.2019 17:50    152

xxx5639 xxx5639  12.01.2024 17:29
1. The man isn't running, he's dancing with the wolf.
Explanation: In the picture, we see a man and a wolf. The man is not running, he is dancing with the wolf. We use the present continuous form to describe an action that is happening at the moment.

2. The orang-utans aren't eating bananas, they are eating ice creams.
Explanation: In the picture, there are orang-utans. They are not eating bananas, they are eating ice creams. Again, we use the present continuous form to describe an action that is happening right now.

3. The owl isn't flying, it's reading a book.
Explanation: In the picture, we see an owl. The owl is not flying, it is reading a book. The present continuous form is used to describe an action that is currently taking place.

4. The crocodile isn't swimming, it's cleaning its teeth.
Explanation: In the picture, there is a crocodile. The crocodile is not swimming, it is cleaning its teeth. We use the present continuous form to describe an action that is happening at the moment.

5. The frogs aren't jumping, they are singing.
Explanation: In the picture, we see frogs. The frogs are not jumping, they are singing. Again, we use the present continuous form to describe an action that is happening right now.

6. The tiger isn't sleeping, it's playing the piano.
Explanation: In the picture, there is a tiger. The tiger is not sleeping, it is playing the piano. The present continuous form is used to describe an action that is currently taking place.

7. The rhinos aren't eating grass, they are watching TV.
Explanation: In the picture, there are rhinos. The rhinos are not eating grass, they are watching TV. We use the present continuous form to describe an action that is happening at the moment.
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