Напиши, что ты обычно делаешь в свободное время и чего не делаешь в свободное время. используй словосочетания из рамки. значение незнакомых слов посмотри в словаре. образец: i watch cartoons i dont go to the cinema

Яумницакрасотка Яумницакрасотка    3   08.09.2019 12:40    11

midman midman  07.10.2020 00:53
When other people ask me what i like to do in a free time, I usually tell them that I have very good pastime with my family and my friends too. I just like to walk around the park and around my town, I also like drive on the skateboard when it has good and not cold weather with my friends from skatepark. I think that I should be interested in my favourite subjects, fox example, english, germany and italian. Because I also should do something very necessary for me and for my around, I also like to sing when I have some free time and playing on the piano. Sometimes when I'm boring I like play on the computer, because I have interests in computer games, but in another time I think that it's the waste of time. What to do in a free time? I know.
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