Напиши,что дети делали вчера. 1.olga watches tv every evening -she watched tv yesterday too/ 2.victor usually visits his grandma on sunday 3.anna always paints pictures after classes. 4.irina and natasha often play in the yard 5.oksana usually washes the dishes after supper 6.inna always helps her mother about the house 7.larissa and liza usually walk in the park.

vladzaorozhniy vladzaorozhniy    3   23.08.2019 15:50    166

ddddsfvxsf ddddsfvxsf  05.10.2020 14:58
2-Yesterday Victor visited his grandma too.
3-Yesterday Anna painted pictures after school too.
4-Yesterday Irina and Natasha played the yard too.
5-Yesterday Oksana washed the dishes after supper too.
6-Yesterday Inna helped her mother about the house too.
7-Yesterday Larissa and Liza walked in the park too.
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