Написати текст на анлійській мові " правила поведінки у шкільній їдальні" 7 -8 речень

POPKA1kemping POPKA1kemping    3   22.09.2019 15:50    0

глупыФФка глупыФФка  08.10.2020 09:56
1. During the meal in the dining room, one should observe good manners and behave decently.
2. Students should respect the staff of the dining room with respect.
3. Students come to the dining room after the end of the lesson, they follow queues when they receive food.
4. Talking during a meal should be silent, so as not to disturb those who eat next to each other.
5. Students clean the table after eating.
6. Students care about the property of the school dining room.
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