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Le213768 Le213768    3   15.09.2019 09:30    0

Rou234 Rou234  07.10.2020 16:46
I think working at office is better for facilities and documents. Of course, for some people in some situations, a computer is enough for work. However, I think it would be fair to say that (for most people) you need to turn to the equipment and documents frequently in your work. For example, as an architect, when I design something I have to print some sketch and revise it over and over, so a sophisticated scanner and printer is convenient for me. Also, I often have to skim various books in my office to have a "brainstorm" and get some inspiration. Besides, it is sometimes necessary to read the old documents, which is always classified well in the cabinet. But when I am working at home, I cannot get all these resources to work productively.

Finally, it is easy to collaborate with coworkers and supervisors in office. You can discuss with you coworkers face to face when you encounter some problems, but there may be misunderstandings if you communicate on telephone. In addition,, your supervisor can correct your mistakes on time, thus you can continue your work smoothly. On the other hand, if you work at home, it's more difficult to get help from them.
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