Lamborgini is the most expensive car in the world.
I think we will go to the USA.
We are going to a restaurant.
I bought a big house.
I live in a flat.
Відповідь:1.I was at the beach today,2 Yesterday I visited the VDNG park,3I really want a big telescope,4 In the summer we went to an amazing park,5I had a wonderful dessert for lunch,6I didn't ride an airplane.
Lamborgini is the most expensive car in the world.
I think we will go to the USA.
We are going to a restaurant.
I bought a big house.
I live in a flat.
Відповідь:1.I was at the beach today,2 Yesterday I visited the VDNG park,3I really want a big telescope,4 In the summer we went to an amazing park,5I had a wonderful dessert for lunch,6I didn't ride an airplane.