Написать утвердительный или отрицательный ответ, к этим предложениям: 1. can a dolphin play with a ball? 2. does a seal live in the sea? 3. do squirrels likes nuts? 4. can a zebra carry a heavy log? 5. does a goat eat grass? 6. can bears ride a bike?

vikfffff vikfffff    2   19.06.2019 09:20    33

alinaabpamenko1996 alinaabpamenko1996  02.10.2020 05:13
1) A dolphin can play with a ball.
2) Yes, it does. A seal lives in the sea.
3) Yes, the do. The squirrels like nuts.
4) A zebra cannot carry a heavy log.(Лично моё мнение)
5) Yes, it does. A goat eat grass.
6) Bears cannot ride a bike.
Маруся9991 Маруся9991  02.10.2020 05:13
Yes,I can2.yes,it does3.No,they don't4.no,it's can't5.Yes she does6.no she can't
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