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Denis Fonvizin

Russian writer Catherine's era, the creator of Russian domestic comedy. Born (3) April 14, 1745 in Moscow into a noble family. He studied it in high school at the University of Moscow, and then in the University at the Faculty of Philosophy. In the comedy "Brigadier" (staged 1770) satirically depicted the mores of the nobility, his passion for everything French. In the comedy "The Oaf" (staged 1782), a landmark work of Russian literature, Fonvizin, seeing the root of all the troubles in serfdom, derided system of nobiliary education and upbringing. "Notes of the First Travel" (letters to PI Panin,. Published in the 1800s) played a significant role in the development of Russian prose.

Nikolay Karamzin

Nikolay Karamzin (1766-1826) - Russian historian, writer, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1818). The creator of the "History of the Russian State" (Vol. 1-12, 1816-29), one of the most significant works in the Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism ( "Letters of a Russian Traveler", "Poor Liza" and others.). Editor "Moscow Journal" (1791-92) and "The Messenger of Europe" (1802-03) .Nikolay Karamzin is an almost unique in the history of Russian culture example of a man of whom his contemporaries and descendants left any ambiguous memories. Already during his lifetime historian was perceived as the highest moral authority; This attitude remains unchanged until now.
Ivan Krylov

Russian writer, fabulist, academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1841). He published the satirical magazine "spirits Mail" (1789), and others. He wrote tragedies and comedies, opera libretto. In 1809 - 43 has created more than 200 fables, imbued with a democratic spirit, characterized by satirical sharpness, vivid and accurate language. They exposed the social and human vices. Gogol called fable Krylov "... the people of the book of wisdom." Editions of his books differed huge for that time runs. In 1812, the poet published the fable "The Wolf in the kennels," which portrayed Napoleon and Kutuzov. In "Swan, Pike and Cancer", he expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of the Russian society allies of the Emperor Alexander I. Krylov repeatedly read his fables in the court, in the circle of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. By the end of his life he wrote about two hundred fables, which were combined into nine books.

Alexander Pushkin

The great Russian poet, novelist, playwright, essayist and critic. Born on May 26 (6 June) in Moscow, the German Quarter. Brought up by French tutors from home schooling issued only excellent knowledge of French and a love for chteniyu.Aleksandr Pushkin managed to create a huge set of poems. Nowadays very popular Pushkin's poems about the love of nature, nursery rhymes. In schools, children are an analysis of Pushkin's poems, which are a mandatory part of the program in all CIS countries.
Nowadays Pushkin poem and the poet - the words are synonyms. Quick and complete biography of Alexander Pushkin published in multiple languages ​​(Pushkin's biography in English). Tales of Pushkin (illustrations) as published in the most countries. That is why many cultural institutions are named.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Nikolai Gogol (1809 - 1852) - novelist, playwright, essayist and critic. Born in the village Sorochintsy Poltava province in a family of modest means landlords. Educated at the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences (1821-1828), where he showed his interest in literature and art and the extraordinary acting talent. Characteristic of Gogol public sentiment in this period was his behavior in "the case of the free-thinking" when he was on the side of Professor NG Belousov subjected to persecution for spreading progressive ideas.
The internal complexity of Gogol's work, the world-famous, it has led to a sharp debatable assessments criticism. Various schools in the Russian and foreign literary allowed multiple interpretations of its contradictory aspects. Numerous works of Gogol and reissues of his works, the embodiment of his images on stage and on screen, in music and painting confirm undying interest in the work of the great Russian writer in the world.
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