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Verka51 Verka51    3   19.05.2019 18:50    7

Hyun79 Hyun79  12.06.2020 22:50
I have some ways of relaxation after hard day. Firstly, I like lisstening to music. I like [вставь по желанию - rock рок. club клубняк. jazz джаз. blus блюз] music. Secondly, I like reading books and magazins. For example, [всталяешь транслитом названия журналов/книг].
Reading books help me to understand another cultures, books give me ideas for solving daily problems. Also reading an interesting book helps me to relax.
Thirdly, I visit social networks (VK for example). I start messeging with my friends, wathing videos and fotos there.
Communicating with my friends also helps me to relax.
And what ways of relaxation do you have?