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21Oleg12 21Oleg12    1   14.08.2019 06:00    1

Лапулька123 Лапулька123  04.10.2020 17:58
I have a lot of friends. My best friend is... We are best friends since childhood. He always help me in difficult situations. He is the football player, and I Like football, too. We are usually go to school together. I help him with Maths, and he help me with Literature. We have the lunch after school in our favourite café. (ну, что-то банальненько)
Taimy Taimy  04.10.2020 17:58
What is a friend? A friend in my life obzhonim. it will help at any moment, when podderzhet sad and gogda betrays. Horoshish friends have important, but you need to be very good friends. Take care of friends.