Написать сочинение по на тему "мое путешествие в сочи" только не присылайте с переводчика он все не правильно составдяет: ) и сочинение не длинное.

Govnomer228 Govnomer228    2   27.07.2019 05:50    0

XyLiGaN4iK228 XyLiGaN4iK228  25.09.2020 09:22
I'm sitting in the plane and in a few minutes we will start to Sochi. I'm going to swim in the sea every day during whole my trip. I like to swim and run on a beach. I need a lot of sun shine, I like it very much. I hate clouds and rains, I hope the weather will be warm and sunny. Also I hope I will eat fruits a lot. I'm going to collect shells and some rocks. I'm looking forward to this travel!
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