Написать сочинение на языке про любимого героя с переводом по плану : 1. имя 2. откуда он 3. как он выглядит (внешность, характер )

makcafonin makcafonin    3   06.09.2019 22:50    1

momreomgr momreomgr  16.08.2020 10:54
Harry Potter is my favorite character, he's with his friends at school Hogwarts , is the most famous school of magic on earth. Harry wears glasses, he also has a scar of lightning on his forehead and cheek. He is very kind and always comes to the aid of his friends! Harry is a hero.
Sera4erka Sera4erka  16.08.2020 10:54
Batman is my favorite hero, he's from cartoons and movies. He looks with a cloak and he has his sets of guns that he catches the attackers. He is very kind