Написать сочинение на тему мое любимое место отдыха на языке с переводом 150-180 слов.1. тщательно составить план 2. написать о главных событиях во время вашего путешествия , включая описание мест , людей и т.д.
Я БУДУ ПИСАТЬ ПОНЯТНЫМИ СЛОВАМИ , ТЫ ПОЙМЕШЬ ПЛАН: 1 where is it 2 why do you like it 3 would you like to go there again
i would like to go to UK ... Espessually Devon ... there are beautiful landscapes .. i lived there with my host family . There were 3 person - our host mom . Host dad . and their daughter ... we enjoyed spending our time by surfing fnd going to an English school . There were a lot of friendly and nice people . Every day we went shopping . And were having some fun ... i met there one girl . the girl liked rock music. She was from Italy WE were similar to each other . so we became friends I will never forget those fanatastic and dazzling days
1 where is it
2 why do you like it
3 would you like to go there again
i would like to go to UK ... Espessually Devon ... there are beautiful landscapes .. i lived there with my host family . There were 3 person - our host mom . Host dad . and their daughter ... we enjoyed spending our time by surfing fnd going to an English school . There were a lot of friendly and nice people . Every day we went shopping . And were having some fun ... i met there one girl . the girl liked rock music. She was from Italy WE were similar to each other . so we became friends I will never forget those fanatastic and dazzling days