написать сочинение на по теме: как празднуют новый год в бельгии. именно можно традиции в новый год, когда отмечают и т.п.
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vova01092005 vova01092005    3   22.12.2019 10:56    4

егормицевич егормицевич  10.10.2020 22:20



The capital of not only Belgium, but also the United Europe, the city of Brussels is not spoiled by the attention of tourists from around the world. And from this – more attractive. For centuries, it has maintained the traditional neatness and aristocracy that appeal to travelers looking for new experiences away from the trampled trails.

The first Christmas markets and Christmas trees appear in Brussels in mid-November. Gradually, the incredible atmosphere created by costume shows, masquerades, colorful processions spreads through


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