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ксззххххх ксззххххх    2   19.09.2019 16:40    0

ник4991 ник4991  21.08.2020 11:54
The person who reads, becomes smarter. He becomes richer in fantasy, he speaks more beautifully, lexical stock replenishes. Books give knowledge - this is their main benefit. Thanks to the book you can learn a lot, find answers to your questions, learn something new.Books can be soft covers are electronic.Most often I certainly read books in the paperback because they spoil the eyesight less.In general, I very often read this my hobby.Basically, my favorite genres of books are fantasy adventures.And the favorite book of The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is very breathtaking.Reading books is transferred to another world in which much this much unknown.Reading books is very cool, I advise everyone.
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