Написать сочинение что я хочу изменить в школе (школьние предмети , уроки,после урочная жизнь) для 8 класса

1АндрейKEK 1АндрейKEK    2   24.05.2019 04:00    3

anonimka2018oz5x7j anonimka2018oz5x7j  19.06.2020 23:47
I think that sometimes we have too much homework. Teachers and parents think that doing homework helps us to develop the student's ability to work without assistance, or that additional work could help us complete our education successfully. But I believe, in many subjects, homework is totally unnecessary, because it doesn't do me any good. I think it's really stupid to copy from a textbook. Less homework would give more time to take up hobbies and interests. Я написал про то что бы хотел изменить я,если хочешь переделай.
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