Написать рассказ про дениса майданова про его музыку которую он пишет,

YaShKa111111 YaShKa111111    2   16.06.2019 17:00    2

Yoongikookie Yoongikookie  13.07.2020 15:37
Born February 17, 1976, Balakovo, Saratov region. The winner of the festival "song of the year", winner of the prize "Golden gramophone" In 2001, Denis Maidanov came and began to work in Moscow as a poet and composer of songs for Russian artists. For the period from 2001 to 2011 he established quite a large number of works. His songs frequently heard on TV and radio, they sing: Nikolai Baskov,...     READ MAY HELP YOU HELPED ME TODAY, ALTHOUGH THE JOB FOR 1 CLASS 
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