Написать рассказ о своем питании,на языке с переводом (5-7 предложений) цель: выразить своё отношение к полезной еде и к фаст фуду. 20 !

dashakoryakina dashakoryakina    2   19.08.2019 20:10    4

yanochka13kol yanochka13kol  24.04.2020 03:28
I would like to tell you about what I usually eat. In the morning I usually eat cereal or sandwiches and drink tea. In the afternoon I eat soup, mashed potatoes, or pasta. In the evening I mostly eat meat with vegetables, or something like this. I think it's important to eat healthy food because it helps you to be in a good form. But sometimes it's okay to eat fast food. The main thing is to do not eat it too often.
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