Написать рассказ о себе, ! меня зовут катя петелина 11 лет, написать краткий рассказ !

blik5 blik5    3   22.05.2019 23:50    0

prostochel4 prostochel4  01.10.2020 09:37
Hello! My name is Katya Petelina. I am old 11 years. I'm very clever and nice person. I like listining to music and read books. I like watching TV and video. I love my parents and friens
Юра754 Юра754  01.10.2020 09:37
My name is Katay. My surname is Petelina. I am 11 years old.I am a student of 5 form.I am a good student.My favourite subiect is Russian. I am tall and beuatiful. I have got a mother, a father and sister and brother, I like to read books .My hobby is dancing and swimming.I have got many friends.
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