For a dose of my own unusual story:)) It was in 2000. Celebrated my BIRTHDAY, April 27, we usually already warm, and that year was great, the weather - bright blue sky without a single cloud, was hot hot, quite the summer sun. In the evening I celebrated our OTHER friends in the restaurant. In connection with hot weather all the girls came to my party a beautiful, elegant, shoes and light dresses with short sleeves. Celebrated noisy and fun, it was a sea of champagne toast, dancing, home, we zasobiralsya when time already exceeded the 3 hours of the night. Out on the porch restaurant, we just froze... it was snowing hard, and not just some kind of frivolous снежочек, but new year's big, fluffy flakes of snow. First flashed the thought of the white fever, and then we were just having fun:)) I and my friend were walking in shoes on the snow-covered sidewalks, was carrying armfuls of flowers and laughed picture we were represented by their расфуфыристый outfits:))
The year was for me not that unusual, but very pleasant. We with my closest friend and our children made several small and large travel, and generally had a great time, which I have left the warmest and pleasant memoirs... Yes, how young we were Happy, cheerful and carefree...
The year was for me not that unusual, but very pleasant. We with my closest friend and our children made several small and large travel, and generally had a great time, which I have left the warmest and pleasant memoirs... Yes, how young we were Happy, cheerful and carefree...