Мишель Франсуа Бутор родился в Монс-ан-Барёль, пригороде Лилля Он изучал философию в Сорбонне(окончил в 1947 г.). Преподавал в Египте, Манчестере, Салониках, США, Женеве. Сотрудничал с бельгийским композитором Анри Пуссёром
Francois Michel Butor was born in Mons-en-Baroeul, Lille suburb He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne (graduating in 1947). He taught in Egypt, Manchester, Salonika, the United States, Geneva. He collaborated with the Belgian composer Henri Pussёrom
Francois Michel Butor was born in Mons-en-Baroeul, Lille suburb He studied philosophy at the Sorbonne (graduating in 1947). He taught in Egypt, Manchester, Salonika, the United States, Geneva. He collaborated with the Belgian composer Henri Pussёrom