написать предложения в пассивном залоге. PASSIVE VOICE

to be + part participle

example: The mail is delivered (deliver) every day.

I) Students (give) their grades after the exam.

2) He (follow) everywhere by the paparazzi.

3) The city has (destroy) by bombs.

4) I'm afraid it can't (do) this week.

5) Hospital patients can (visit) in the afternoons.

6) Peter (ask) to run in the race.

7) The noisy children (tell) to be quiet.

8) Students like to. (give) feedback after each lesson.

9) His dog is (treat) for worms.

dogtor20 dogtor20    2   04.02.2022 09:38    80

alexxxxarchenko alexxxxarchenko  11.01.2024 17:17
I) Students are given their grades after the exam.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "give" is in the passive voice. The subject "Students" becomes the receiver of the action, and "are given" is the passive form of the verb "give".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "students".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "give".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "give".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "their grades" to form the passive sentence.

2) He is followed everywhere by the paparazzi.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "follow" is in the passive voice. The subject "He" becomes the receiver of the action, and "is followed" is the passive form of the verb "follow".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "He".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "follow".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "follow".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "everywhere by the paparazzi" to form the passive sentence.

3) The city has been destroyed by bombs.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "destroy" is in the passive voice. The subject "The city" becomes the receiver of the action, and "has been destroyed" is the passive form of the verb "destroy".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "The city".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "destroy".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "destroy".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "by bombs" to form the passive sentence.

4) I'm afraid it can't be done this week.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "do" is in the passive voice. The subject "it" becomes the receiver of the action, and "can't be done" is the passive form of the verb "do".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "it".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "do".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "do".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "this week" to form the passive sentence.

5) Hospital patients can be visited in the afternoons.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "visit" is in the passive voice. The subject "Hospital patients" becomes the receiver of the action, and "can be visited" is the passive form of the verb "visit".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "Hospital patients".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "visit".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "visit".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "in the afternoons" to form the passive sentence.

6) Peter is asked to run in the race.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "ask" is in the passive voice. The subject "Peter" becomes the receiver of the action, and "is asked" is the passive form of the verb "ask".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "Peter".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "ask".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "ask".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "to run in the race" to form the passive sentence.

7) The noisy children are told to be quiet.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "tell" is in the passive voice. The subject "The noisy children" becomes the receiver of the action, and "are told" is the passive form of the verb "tell".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "The noisy children".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "tell".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "tell".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "to be quiet" to form the passive sentence.

8) Students like to be given feedback after each lesson.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "give" is in the passive voice. The subject "Students" becomes the receiver of the action, and "to be given" is the passive form of the verb "give".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "Students".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "give".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "give".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "feedback after each lesson" to form the passive sentence.

9) His dog is treated for worms.

Explanation: In this sentence, the verb "treat" is in the passive voice. The subject "His dog" becomes the receiver of the action, and "is treated" is the passive form of the verb "treat".

Step-by-step solution:
1. Identify the subject of the sentence, which is "His dog".
2. Find the verb in the active voice, which is "treat".
3. Use the passive voice formula "to be" + past participle of the verb "treat".
4. Combine the subject, passive form of the verb, and the object "for worms" to form the passive sentence.
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