Написать полноценное сочинение,! с проблемой,комментарием,аргументами за и против и выводом. тема: some scholars argue that half of the world,s languages will be lost before 2100. with this in mind,consider the idea that fewer languages might lead to better communication among people. use the words: endangered,to vanish,extinct,to retain identity,a world language,devastating
Today people on the Earth speak about 7 thousand languages but every 2 weeks one language desappears.
In fact scholars argue that all languages have mixed and influenced each other. However, today the whole world is turning into a unified information space. The globolisation has devastating consequences. And in the future many languages may endangere to vanish. It is very important to retain identify of each language because when the humanity loses each language it loses a part of world culture. Each language is unique. For example the language of Eskimos has about 40 names of snow.
English is one of the most spoken languages in the world. It has become a world language during last few centuries and now over 1300 million people speak it. Many languages: German, Franch, Spanish and Russian experience the influence of English.
We face two alternative scenarios for the future. In one, the world becomes increasingly homogenized as minority cultures and their languages are swept away in the oncoming tide of standardization. The accumulated knowledge of millennia disappears, leaving the world a poorer place with the extinct culture. In the other scenario, minor languages continue to exist alongside larger ones. Which scenario comes to pass depends to a large extent on our actions now.