Написать по . вчера я с мамой ходил в кинотеатр. мы смотрели интересный фильм. мне понравился фильм и маме тоже. это был классный день!

14251714 14251714    2   16.09.2019 15:30    1

musa31052001 musa31052001  04.08.2020 09:43
Yesterday I went with my mother to the cinema. we watched a very interesting film. I liked the movie and my mom too. it was a very cool day!
AnastasiaSokolovskay AnastasiaSokolovskay  04.08.2020 09:43
Yesterday I with mom went to the cinema. We watched a very interested movie. Me with mom liked movie. it was a very Cool Day!
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