Написать письмо. you have received a letter from your english–speaking pen friend, ben. …i am a bit sad because i have just quarrelled with my mum. i didn’t want to wash the dishes and make my bed because there was an interesting film on tv……do you think children should help their parents with the housework, why/why not? what do you do about the house? what do you usually do in your free time? …write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.write 100–120 words. remember the rules of letter writing
Hey Ben,
I have recently noticed your letter, and it would surely be nice to help you somehow. There are lots of teenagers feeling the same way as you wherever you look, and there is no point in getting sad and falling into despair. Here are some useful advice for you to improve your mood and not to be in quarrel with your mum anymore, that will make you feel much better than you do now.
First of all, you certainly should have done what your mother asked you for because, this way, she tries to teach you being independent in the future. And you may watch that interesting film at any other time all your matters are going to be done completely. Thus your mum will not be offended, and all the parties will be satisfied.
It would be a good idea just to offer her your help in housework. I always do nearly everything about the house, and my mother appreciate her son is supporting her.
By the way, I would like to know how you usually spend your free time. For example, I prefer hanging out with my friends and watching various movies or TV series as well as in case of you.
I really hope my advice helps you to rebuild your relationships, and everything is going to be alright. Let me know how is it going.
Your pen friend
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